06 August 2023
  After about 1 year of research, light tests, investments in equipment and many sleepless nights, I managed to implement this unique project: Conceptual Maternity Photoshoot, for pregnant photo sessions. Maybe
05 August 2023
  In love with studio photography, I realized that I needed a camera where I could do family photo sessions. Being at the beginning, I thought of turning my living room
08 May 2022
       Congratulations on the magic in the belly! You are in the most beautiful period of your life! You radiate through every pore and the life that grows in you makes
01 July 2021
Congratulations mother heroine! Right now you are holding your baby in your arms and analyzing it with your gentle gaze. You notice smooth skin, soft and silky hair, a tender
Fotograf de nou nascut maternitate si familie Bucuresti Elena Dumitrescu PhotoArt
Instagram Cel mai bun fotograf Bucuresti Elena Dumitrescu PhotoArt Nou Nascut Maternitate Familie
Clip video sedinte foto de nou nascuti maternitate bebelusi si familie
Clip video sedinte foto de nou nascuti maternitate bebelusi si familie

Photography Blog by Elena Dumitrescu